Once you enter your API key on Track it Forward we’ll have a meeting to start reviewing your data together, including errors and users you would like to select. 

After the pre-onboarding call, you will have access to go into the sync tool on your own and continue the selection and error review process. Below is an overview of how to review errors for the first time, however you may skip some steps if you have already reviewed and resolved some errors with our team on the pre-onboarding call, or use different filters if you are trying to select specific users. The goal of the review process is to minimize your excluded families and select the correct users for import. 

To review the errors in Track it Forward go to your Volunteers tab from your Organizer Dashboard, under Add Volunteers Import > click Sync with FACTS SIS

You will see the following screen:

Click on Step 4. Review Potential Errors 

You will be taken to a page showing you how many families are ready for import, how many families have warnings, and how many families are currently being excluded from the import due to errors. 

You can quickly see what errors have been found in your data:

How to read your review page:

  • Importable families: Number of family IDs that are successfully selected for import
  • Excluded families: Number of family IDs that are completely excluded from the current sync due to errors
  • Duplicates:
    • Red flag: Email is part of multiple different families


    • Red flag: Email address is used for two different family members in the same family, one of which is listed first in FACTS SIS
    • Orange flag: Email address is used for two different family members, and both members are listed second or below in FACTS SIS
    • Gray flag: Resolved duplicates / Other user with duplicate email selected
  • Missing Emails:
    • Red flag: Family member listed first in FACTS SIS is missing an email address
    • Orange flag: Family member listed second or below in FACTS SIS is missing an email address
  • Users:
    • Users to sync: Number of users that have been selected to sync with Track it Forward
    • Users to skip: Number of users that have been unselected and will not sync with Track it Forward

**SKIP STEPS 1-3 if you have already selected your existing Track it Forward users and new users during your pre-onboarding call with our team. You can continue on to reviewing remaining duplicates and other excluded families**

1. Unselect all

You will want to start by unselecting all contacts if you are not importing every family contact from your FACTS SIS database. 

2. Select Track it Forward Users

If you already have users in Track it Forward and this is your first time syncing from FACTS SIS, you can filter for Unsynced Track it Forward User > Yes

This will show you a list with all of the accounts that have been found in Track it Forward that match your FACTS SIS contacts. Select all of these accounts and click Save and Update User List. 

3a. If your school wants to import only ONE user per family

Set the following filters to select only one user per family:

  • Use the Relationship filter to the relationship you would like to select OR use the Family Order filter and the family order you would like to select (e.g. Mother or Listed First).
  • Set the Unsynced Track it Forward User > No
  • Set the Status > Excluded Family
  • Under the Sync? column, click select all.
  • Click the Save & Update User List 

Continue on to step 4

3b. If your school wants to import MORE than one user per family 

Now you can select new users you would like to import. 

  • Use the Relationship filter for the relationship you would like to select OR use the Family Order filter for the family order you would like to select (e.g. Mother or Listed First).
  • Under the Sync? column, click select all.
  • Click the Save & Update User List
  • Repeat these steps by setting the appropriate filter to make another selection (e.g. Father or Listed Second)
  • When you are done selecting users, click the Save & Update User List 

Continue to step 4

4. Resolve Duplicates 

Click on Resolve Duplicates to review any duplicate email addresses. Since each Track it Forward account needs a unique email address, if you have multiple family members with the same address in FACTS SIS, you will need to select which account to sync. Use the filter for Unsynced Track it Forward User > Yes again to review users and select duplicates from this list.

Note: If two users have the same email address and are a part of two different families, you must choose which family to import. A unique user can only be assigned to one family in the Track it Forward system. Check the Family ID in the table, and click the ‘+’ sign next to each name to view additional data for that user to help make your decision.

5. Resolve Duplicates Continued

Next, sort duplicates by Status > Duplicate in Excluded Family and Unsynced Track it Forward User > No. Review this list and decide who you would like to import. You can use additional filters in Family Order or Relationship to help with the selection process.

When you are done, click on Save & Return. You may need to go into the duplicate tool more than once to make sure all families you want to import are selected.  

At the top of the page, you’ll see updates about how many users are set to sync and how many users will be skipped. You’ll also see the updated amount of how many families are excluded from the import.

6. Review Excluded Families 

After selecting existing Track it Forward users, resolving duplicates, and selecting the initial relationships or family order, set the filter Status to Excluded Families. Review this list of families. Some might not be able to be imported if other duplicate emails have been selected that are part of  a different family, or if they are missing email addresses altogether.

You can click select all to capture families that might have been excluded due to previous selections (e.g. you selected Mothers and Fathers, but some families only have Grandparents).

7. Review Missing Emails

Finally, filter your list by Status > Missing Emails, you can review all or narrow it down to First Listed Users vs Other Order Users. If there are users on that list you do want imported, fix the missing emails in FACTS SIS now, or make note of emails you need to gather by downloading the error report at the top of the page. You can always go back into the sync tool at a later date and sync users after their FACTS SIS data is updated.

If you make changes in your FACTS SIS database during the review process, make sure to click Click to refresh [your FACTS SIS data].

When you are finished reviewing, click Save & Update User List, and then you can click out of the sync page.

Please inform our Track it Forward team when you have finished reviewing errors and selecting users for import. We’ll then schedule a final onboarding call to initiate the integration!