As a site administrator, you can manage the current opportunities that are listed in the Community Service Directory for volunteers. 

Request Volunteer Opportunities

To get started, you can visit the Submit an Opportunity tab to locate the direct link for submitting opportunities to your directory. You can choose to share this link with specific community partners or post opportunities yourself. 

Review New Opportunities 

Once an opportunity is submitted, it will appear in the Pending tab for administrative review. A notification email will be sent to the Site Owner, unless there is an Event Manager. 

Administrators can review the details submitted by the organization and make edits on their behalf before approving the opportunity. Once an opportunity is approved, the community organization will be notified that isn't available for volunteers. 

If an opportunity is denied, the administrator can include a note for the organization to let them know why it wasn't approved. Please note: the community organization will not have direct access to make changes if you need additional information. 

Edit Opportunities 

Community organizations will not have direct access to make changes after an opportunity is submitted. As the administrator, you can made edits on behalf of organization if an opportunity requires future updates. To do this, click Review next to a specific opportunity > click Edit > make revisions > click Save. 

Archive Opportunities 

If opportunities become obsolete, administrators can archive them to remove them from the service directory and prevent new volunteer responses. To do this, click on a specific opportunity > click Archive. This can also be done in bulk using the choose-an-operation dropdown. 

Restore Opportunities 

Administrators can restore opportunities in the future to add them back to the service directory. This can be managed by visiting the Archived tab > click on an opportunity > Click restore.