In addition to volunteer activities, many organizations need to facilitate in-kind donation requests. The event calendar can provide an easy way to share your wish list with volunteers! 

To get started go to the Events page of your site and click Create Event

Event Date

If the donations are required for a specific event, you can add a date so it appears on the calendar for that specific day. This is typically the best option for something like a potluck that is date-specific. 

If the donations represent an ongoing need, you can skip the date field and leave it blank. This will add the event in a list view so it does not expire after a certain date. This is typically the best option for ongoing requests that can be filled at any time. 


Organizations can use this section to create a list of donation requests. The start and end time can be left blank since the opportunity is not time-specific. The Shift Title and Shift Description can be used to list individual items and give volunteers any additional details about the request. 

Volunteers Needed 

If you'd like to limit how many volunteers can sign up for a specific donation, you can customize the capacity for each request. Alternatively, you can leave the capacity at Unlimited if you're able to accept unlimited donations for a specific item. 

After customizing the rest of the event settings, click Save to post the new opportunity on your calendar. If it was added without a date, it will be listed as the top of the calendar as an ongoing activity. 

When volunteers click on the opportunity, they will see your list of donations and how many requests are still available.