When Charts are enabled, volunteers can check the leaderboard and monthly graph to compare themselves to other volunteers at the organization. However, the Charts page will not always reflect the same number of hours as the timesheet total.
Timesheet shows more hours than Charts
In general, the Charts page is adjustable to show custom timeframes and intervals. For this reason, it may not capture all of the hours that have been submitted for your account. For example, if you logged 4 hours 10 months ago, they won't be included if the timeframe is set to 6 months on the Charts page.
If needed, you can change the time frame to a custom period so it matches the time frame of your timesheet.
In general, the Charts page will only include approved hours. If hours are listed on your timesheet as "pending", they will not be included in the Charts total.
Public graphs are usually visible on your Volunteer Account Dashboard, click on Log Hours, then click on Charts.
As a volunteer, you are not able to remove your name from the graphs and charts unless your organizer themselves makes the charts private. Please contact your organizer if you have any concerns with this.