Organizers can enter hours for volunteers in bulk by using the import tool. A volunteer CANNOT enter multiple submissions, only an organizer can do this for them. Please note: Prior to importing hours, a user account must exist for the volunteer.
Go to Organizer Dashboard
Click on the Volunteers tab, then in the Add Volunteers Section, click on the Import tab. There are two separate links here to import hours for volunteers with and without emails.
The import process will be slightly different for volunteers with a user account (i.e. with Emails) vs. volunteers without a user account (i.e. No email) so it's important to select the correct link for your list of volunteers.
Import hours
Prior to importing hours, you will need to ensure your data corresponds with the current fields of your hour log. You will need to leave columns blank if there are certain fields that do not apply to your current import.
Once the data is organized in a spreadsheet, copy and paste it into the import tool and click Validate. If there are any errors, they will be highlighted so you can make adjustments. If no adjustments are needed, you can submit the hours to log them in the system.