How can I adjust the notifications for my volunteers?
If you need to adjust notifications for an existing event you can select it from your calendar, click Edit, and then scroll down to the Notifications section and adjust your reminder emails.
How can I change the event organizer so someone else at my organization receives emails?
You can change the event organizer at any time if another staff member needs to receive notifications of RSVPs and cancellations.
Can a volunteer sign up for a series of events at the same time?
No. Volunteers need to select and sign up for the events they want to sign up for one at a time.
Can I have events that are only on my website widget and separate events on the Track it Forward site?
No, at this time the events will be the same on both site, but you can set password requirements for certain events and set whether or not you want other to be able to see other attendees.
Can I limit how many shifts a volunteer can sign up for?
At this time there are no restrictions on how many times a volunteer can volunteer for shifts, just a restriction on the number of attendees per shift. You can make a note in the details of your event, but we do not have a function to restrict their attendance.
Can I edit or delete multiple events at once?
If you are a Site Owner or Site Manager, certain updates can be made in bulk. Learn more in this article.