Who it's for:
- Your organization requires volunteers to sign up in advance for shifts and/or you need to track attendance for specific events.
- You need an easy way to log volunteer hours after an event/shift to accurately credit them with hours.
- You want to get rid of the confusion and hassle of paper sign in sheets.
*If your organization does not require advanced registration and just needs a way to easily calculate hours for daily volunteers, our Check In Kiosk might be a better option for you!
How it works:
- When you add an event to Track It Forward, you can create a digital sign in sheet through the mobile app for RSVPs.
- When volunteers arrive, they sign in for their shift and then sign out when they are ready to leave. Their hours are automatically calculated and logged for them. (Unless you prefer to have hours sent to an approval queue first!)
- If someone forgot to register, but there's space available, they can sign up and sign in immediately for an available slot!
- In addition to tracking time for your active volunteers, you can enable the sign in sheet to allow one-time volunteers and groups. This makes it easy to capture data on hours contributed by volunteers who only show up once!
Why it's a better solution:
- Everything is done in one spot: Not only do you have record of when your volunteers signed in and signed out, but their hours are automatically logged for them all on one platform. You don't have to spend time calculating or transferring hours from a paper sheet, a calendar sign up, or any other system, we've automated the whole process for you.
- Volunteers don't have to remember to log their hours: Since hours are logged automatically, don't worry about your volunteers forgetting to log their hours after an event. If they signed out, their hours have already been logged for them.
- Organizers don't need to log or verify hours: Save time after the event by eliminating the approval and verification process.
- No new equipment necessary: The digital sign in sheet is available on the Track It Forward app so you can turn any mobile device into a digital sign in sheet!